Universi Una Nunc

Una, duae, tres, quattuor,
Mihine licet paulum plus habere?
Quinque, sex, septem, octo, novem, decem,
Te amo.

A, B, C, D,
Mihine licet amicum cenae ducere?
E, F, G, H, I, J,
Te amo.

Naviga navem,
Concide arborem,
Transili funem,
Specta ad me.

Universi una nunc,
Universi una nunc.
Universi una nunc,
Universi una nunc.

Nigra, alba, viridis, rubra,
Mihine licet amicum ad lecto ducere?
Malva, glans, flavaque caerulea,
Te amo.

Universi una nunc,
Universi una nunc.
Universi una nunc,
Universi una nunc.

Naviga navem,
Concide arborem,
Transili funem,
Specta ad me.

Universi una nunc,
Universi una nunc.
Universi una nunc,
Universi una nunc.

Universi una nunc,
Universi una nunc.
Universi una nunc,
Universi una nunc.

All Together Now

1, 2, 3, 4,
Can I have a little more?
Five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
I love you.

A, B, C, D,
Can I bring my friend to tea?
E, F, G, H, I, J,
I love you.

Sail the ship,
Chop the tree,
Skip the rope,
Look at me.

All together now,
All together now.
All together now,
All together now.

Black, white, green, red,
Can I take my friend to bed?
Pink, brown, yellow, orange and blue,
I love you.

All together now,
All together now.
All together now,
All together now.

Sail the ship,
Chop the tree,
Skip the rope,
Look at me.

All together now,
All together now.
All together now,
All together now.

All together now,
All together now.
All together now,
All together now.

Published on May 15, 2013


This website has no official relation to 'The Beatles'© or associated copyrights. All the material translated is copyright 'The Beatles'©, and probably some other groups too.


Contact: tim at beatles in latin dot com
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